Samia tetrica Rebel
Philosamia cynthia tetrica Rebel, 1923, Verh. zool. -bot. Ges. Wien, 73:
Philosamia cynthia borneensis Rebel, 1925, Annls naturh. Mus. Wien, 39:
syn. n.
Samia borneensis Rebel; Allen, 1981: 111; Holloway, 1982: 192; Lampe,
1985: 8.
Samia tetrica
natural size)
Diagnosis. This is much smaller species than the previous two, a dark
greenish grey-brown, the fasciae straight with grey rays distad, and the
ocellar markings lunular rather than triangular, transparent.
Taxonomic notes. This taxon flies with S. cynthia in Peninsular Malaysia
and was therefore accorded specific status by Holloway (1982).
Nassig has drawn the author's attention to the older name, tetrica Rebel
from Singapore, illustrated subsequently by Rebel (1925, loc. cit.). This
taxon falls within Rebel's insularis Vollenhoven group that embraces all
taxa from Sundaland eastwards, all somewhat greenish brown with relatively
straight fasciae. Nassig (pers. comm.) has indicated that Sumatran
are distinct from the two in Peninsular Malaysia (one of which is true
cynthia). Specimens from the Philippines (luzonica Watson, mindanaensis
Rebel) and Sulawesi (vandenberghi Watson) have the fasciae somewhat
broader, with (luzonica examined only) minor differences in the male
genitalia (broader, less excavated apical portion of the valve, more
angular saccular zone). These taxa might prove best grouped together under
luzonica, the oldest name, and may prove to bear a sister relationship to
tetrica. The relationship of tetrica to the Javan insularis also needs
Geographical range. Borneo. Peninsular Malaysia.
Habitat preference. Most specimens have been recorded from lowland forest,
though one was taken at 1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei and at a similar
altitude on G. Mulu, Sarawak.
Biology. A mature larva was found by the author in the G. Mulu National
Park. It pupated before a full examination could be made. In general
coloration it was very different from that of cynthia, brownish with
yellowish tubercles. Semper (1896-1902) illustrated the larva of luzonica
(as ricini Boisduval) as bluish grey with yellowish tubercles,
anal clasper, head and prothoracic dorsum.
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