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Marumba cristata Butler
Triptogon cristata Butler, 1875, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1875: 253.
Marumba cristata Butler; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903: 272.
Marumba cristata titan Rothschild, 1920, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 5: 480.

Marumba cristata
(.65 natural size)

The forewings are a leaden grey-brown with a distinctive pale discal spot. They are deeper than in other species, with the tornal mark and loop weak.

Taxonomic notes. Sundanian material is referable to ssp. titan Rothschild.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, S.E. Asia; Sundaland.

Habitat preference. Two specimens were taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu (Holloway, 1976) and one at 250m in lowland limestone forest on G. Api, Sarawak.

Biology. The larva of the typical Indian race was described by Bell & Scott (1937). The body is pale green with a dark green dorsal stripe on the thorax. The oblique stripes are white, sometimes edged yellow or red, running across three segments; the tubercles on them are orange. The horn is blue-green.

Recorded host-plants (Bell & Scott) are: Litsea, Machilus, Phoebe (Lauraceae).

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