Ambulyx obliterata Rothschild
Ambulyx liturata obliterata Rothschild, 1920, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist, (9), 5:
Oxyambulyx macromaculata Gehlen, 1940, Ent. Zeitschr., 54: 140.
Oxyambulyx obliterata Rothschild; Diehl, 1980: 17.
Ambulyx obliterata
natural size)
The posterior subbasal dark spot of the forewing is massive, the anterior
one absent; there are subtornal markings and a general darkening of the
wing away from the base. The hindwings are pale, only weakly fasciated.
Geographical range. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.
Habitat preference. This appears to be a rare species, probably occurring
mostly in lowland rainforest.
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