Euhampsonia gigantea Druce
gilesi ssp. n.
gigantea Druce,
1909, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist (8) 3: 347.
gigantea Druce;
Kiriakoff 1968: 44.
Euhampsonia gigantea gilesi
43-50 mm. The forewings are narrower than in the typical race, lacking
the whitish suffusion at the dorsum basad from the rufous submarginal, which is
anteriorly more sinuous. In the male genitalia the uncus is entire rather than
bifid, and the dorsal, partly membranous processes of the valves are twice as
long. The pair of processes from the eighth sternite are longer, more slender,
set further apart and not splayed.
Holotype BRUNEI: 300 m, Ulu Temburong, rainforest, 27.4.81 (Lt. Col. M.G.
Paratypes: 4
BRUNEI: various lowland localities (Allen); 2
SABAH: Tawau district (C.J.H. Pruett).
The subspecies is named for Dr David Giles, Mulu Expedition medical
Geographical range. New Guinea; Borneo, Sumatra, Peninsular, Malaysia.
Habitat preference. A lowland species, taken in mixed dipterocarp forest
and, once, in swamp forest.
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