Ginshachia sumatrensis Gaede
comb. rev.
argentifera sumatrensis Gaede,
1930: 645.
sumatrensis Gaede;
Kiriakoff, 1968: 240; Holloway, 1976: 58, fig. 380.
dierli Kiriakoff,
1974: 419;
sumatrensis Gaede;
Dierl, 1976.
Diagnosis. The silver triangle on the forewing is approximately equilateral as in bronacha
but has satellite silver marks and is set amid mottled dull red markings on
a pale yellow ground.
Taxonomic note. Dierl (1976) placed this species in Caschara following
Kiriakoff's redescription of it in that genus, but it lacks the ornamentation of
the male eighth sternite seen in Caschara punctifera and also the
exceedingly long, narrow aedeagus vesica. There are numerous other less marked
differences such as in the shape of the uncus and gnathal processes. The species
is here returned to Ginshachia primarily on the grounds of the sharing of
a large equilateral triangle on the forewing.
Geographical range. Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat preference. On G. Kinabalu this species was taken in large
numbers in the tall montane forest at 1500 m on the Pinosuk Plateau (Mesilau)
and twice at similar altitudes on the main transect. It has been taken at 1618 m
(upper montane forest) on Bukit Retak but also in mixed dipterocarp forest at
300 m in Ulu Temburong, Brunei. On G. Mulu two specimens were taken in lower
montane forest at 1000 m.
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