Pseudohoplitis Gaede
Pseudohoplitis vernalis
vernalis Gaede, 1930: 640; Kiriakoff, 1968: 207.
Diagnosis. The pale greenish triangular area on the forewing costa amid dark brown
distinguishes this species.
Taxonomic note. Specimens from Sundaland (ssp. infuscata Gaede) differ from
typical Sulawesi examples in having pale markings in the green triangle of the
forewing more obscure, as is also the pale, zig-zag submarginal (prominent
centrally in typical examples); the hindwing is finely fasciated rather than
immaculate; the male genitalia are more robust, with the apical portion of the
valve twice as broad.
Geographical range. Sulawesi; Sundaland.
Habitat preference. The species is infrequent in mixed dipterocarp forest
(including alluvial forest) in Sarawak and Brunei.
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