Quadricalcarifera charistera fraseriana Kiriakoff
stat. n.
Stauropus charistera
West, 1932, Novit. zool 37: 211.
Quadricalcarifera fraseriana
Kiriakoff, 1967: 43; Holloway 1982a. 205.
Diagnosis. This is the smallest of the Bornean Quadricalcarifera, with
rather obscure forewing markings and suffused, rather blurred bands to the
hindwing costa. Many specimens have the forewing stigmata picked out with pale
grey and others have the forewings suffused over the basal half or more with
dark, bluish grey. The anterior part of the forewing postmedial is acutely
sinuous though this fascia is obscured in many specimens.
Taxonomic notes. The genitalia of the holotype males of charistera West and fraseriana
Kiriakoff are sufficiently similar, together with their external appearance,
for them to be considered conspecific. However, the eighth sternite of charistera
is more deeply cleft, more densely spinose, and the valve apices taper more
evenly and are less produced, therefore fraseriana is here recognised as
a distinct subspecies. The Sumatran Q. bambusicola Kiriakoff may
be a synonym of fraseriana (Holloway 1982a).
Geographical range. Mindanao; Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, ?Sumatra.
Habitat preference. Unlike most of its congeners this species is perhaps
most abundant in lowland forests of all types in Sarawak and Brunei. In the G.
Mulu National Park it was also taken abundantly in lower montane forest at 900 m
on the limestone of G. Api.
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