This is the third part of the series I have undertaken as a Scientific Associate of the Natural History Museum, with access to collections, libraries and with working space and facilities provided in the Department of Entomology. I am grateful also for continued use of a microscope and computer equipment on loan from the International Institute of Entomology (now part of CABI Bioscience).

I have enjoyed the support of a part-time research assistant, Maia Vaswani, generously funded by The Friends of the Natural History Museum. My thanks are due to them and to Maia, who has undertaken a considerable amount of literature research, translation and dissection, text checking, keyboarding and help with preparation of the figures. Much support in seeing the series through to publication in Malaysia continues to be provided by Henry Barlow, who also markets the reprint edition and underwrites the cost of the colour plates. The colour plates were photographed by Bernard D'Abrera. I am very grateful to my wife, Phillipa, for the long hours she put in at the keyboard to produce camera-ready copy for the text and figure legends.

The work would have been impossible without the full access, mentioned above, to the collections and other facilities in The Natural History Museum, London. Material was also examined in, or from, the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, the University Museum, Oxford, the H.S. Barlow collection, the Forest Research Centre collection, Sepilok and the FRIM collection, Kepong. I am grateful to the staff of all the above institutions for their assistance, to Dr R. Gaedike of DEI, Eberswalde, for searching for Strand types and to Chey Vun Khen and Jurie Intachat of the last two for access to unpublished host records. Such records were also gleaned from data taken from material submitted to IIE over the years for identification (See Systematic account). Shen-Horn Yen kindly supplied photographs of facies and genitalia of Matsumura generic type species from Taiwan.

Thanks are also due to the following for their critical comments on all or part of the text: Henry Barlow, Ian Kitching, Malcolm Scoble. Dick Vane-Wright. The work also benefited from interactions at various times with Ugo Dall'Asta, Douglas Ferguson, Laurence Kirton, Ian Kitching, and Alexander Schintlmeister.

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