Arctornis marginalis Walker
comb. n.
marginalis Walker,
1862, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 6:128.
Diagnosis. This is one of a small number of species where areas of the forewing
membrane are tinged greenish. In marginalis this occurs in the centre of
the wing over CuA and its branches and M1 to M3, and is strongest on these
veins. The apex of the forewing costa is tinged blackish, and there are blackish
triangles in the spaces of the distal margins of both wings.
Taxonomic note. A. listrophora Collenette comb. n. (Sulawesi) has similar
facies but distinct genitalia: the valve apex lacks a subsidiary lobe, and the
harpe is straight, apically spatulate, with a serrate margin. It is slightly
larger. There is a further undescribed species from Sulawesi (slide 780) in the
same group.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra.
Habitat preference. The species is frequent in a variety of lowland
forest types, with one specimen taken at 1000m on G. Mulu.
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