Arctornis galene Toxopeus
comb. n.
galene Toxopeus,
1948: 460.
galene Toxopeus;
Mackey, 1984: 9.
Diagnosis. The facies is much as in prasioneura except the frons is broadly
rufous in a square from the level of the antennae to just below the top of the
compound eyes. The palps are yellow (paler ventrally) with a few brownish scales
at the apex. The legs are spotted as in prasioneura but more strongly so.
In the male genitalia, the uncus is triangular as in ungula though less
narrowed apically and lacking the pair of pockets. The valve apex is rather
square. The harpe is evenly and gently downcurved, somewhat expanded subbasally
on the ventral margin, and tapering to a point near the very apex. It is
extensively scobinate along its ventral half.
Taxonomic note. There may be another closely related species involved as described next.
There is also a similar species in Sulawesi, A. tossa Collenette comb.
Geographical range. Java, Sumatra (Schintlmeister, MS), Borneo.
Habitat preference. Two specimens are from a limestone area, taken in
lowland and lower montane forest zones, and two others are from lowland swamp
Biology. Toxopeus (1948) indicated the host-plant to be Cinnamomum (Lauraceae)
in Java.
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