Athalida borneana sp. n.

Athalida borneana
(paratype) |

 29-31mm. The species has a yellow body, the thorax spotted
typically for the genus, but the dorsal abdominal maculations on the abdomen
extend laterally, more so distally so that they ring the abdomen. The wings are
brownish grey marked with creamy white as illustrated. The positions of the
white spots on the forewing are as in male A. dora Semper, though with
reduction of those from the disc to the margin from a row of four to (usually) a
subcostal and submarginal one. The marginal spots on the hindwing reflect those
of male dora, though the basal white area is distinctive. In female dora
the hindwing is extensive. The male genitalia have valves typical of the
genus, but the aedeagus has an apical scobinate lobe, lacking in the type
species, and processes on the tegumen are not evident.
Holotype BRUNEI: 30m, Labi, primary forest and secondary veg. 1 2.i. 1980 (R
Fairclough) BM arctiid slide 3989.
Paratypes. 1 as
holotype; 7 2 (slide 4120) BRUNEI, various localities
(Labi, Ulu Belait, Tutong Bedawan, Bukit Retak) 1979 to 1981 (Lt. Col. M. G. Allen);
2 SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park,
R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.) BM 1978-206, Site 8, February, Camp 1, Mulu 150m, 385470 mixed dipt.
for, MV-mainly canopy.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. Most specimens have been taken in various types of
lowland rainforest (apart from heath forest) in Sarawak and Brunei, though a
single male was taken at 1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei. During the Mulu survey
the species was found to be common, particularly in alluvial forest.
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