This monograph is the fifth to be published in a series planned on the Bornean ‘macrolepidoptera’ superfamilies Cossoidea, Zygaenoidea, Bombycoidea (including Sphingidae), Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, Calliduloidea and Castnioidea. Parts will appear over the next few years as regularly as the vagaries of life permit. The first part, Notodontidae, was published in early 1984, the second, covering certain Noctuid subfamilies in 1985, the third with a key to families and covering Cossoidea and some Zygaenoidea, in 1986, and the fourth, covering the superfamily Bombycoidea, in 1987.

The author is in frequent communication with the Heterocera Sumatrana team organised by Dr E.W. Diehl and the two series of publications complement each other to provide, for the first time, fully illustrated reference works to a large proportion of the very rich South East Asian and Sundanian macrolepidoptera fauna.

The series is based on a large amount of recently collected material that gives some indication of habitat preference for the species concerned. Data on early stages and host- plants are being collated and reviewed.

Literature on the Oriental fauna is voluminous but often without illustrations and with poor, superficial descriptions. Synonymy presented often proves to be erroneous. Generic placements and higher classification are often found to be similarly superficial on close examination. This problem is dealt with more fully in the author's introduction to his Taxonomic Appendix to H.S. Barlow's An Introduction to the Moths of South East Asia. This series on the moths of Borneo is seen as an opportunity to establish a fresh, more stable foundation for the study of the Indo-Australian tropical macrolepidoptera, an opportunity facilitated by access to the wealth of historical material held in the British Museum (Natural History) and other European Museums. The centralisation of this material is a boon for the comparative studies necessary to provide the stable foundation just referred to.

The reader must be prepared, however, for major changes to previously accepted generic, or even subfamilial placements. This is illustrated in this part by discussion of higher classification in the Arctiidae and of the status of the Aganainae.

As the series is completed it may be revised and reissued in three or four bound volumes as a complete reference work. A field guide incorporating the colour plates is also being considered.

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1988. J.D.H.

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