Amata egenaria Walker
egenaria Walker,
1862, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 6: 88.
egenaria Walker;
Seitz, 1912-1913: 78.
Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from those following by the marked
production of the hindwing tornus in the male. The next species has very similar
male genitalia but the hindwing in the male is more circular, the yellow
markings more extensive on both forewing and hindwing.
Taxonomic notes. Both egenaria and dilatata share a distinctive feature of
the male genitalia: there are no cornuti in the rather globular aedeagus vesica,
but the aedeagus apex has an elongate zone of dark sclerotisation that bears a
strong distal spine and one or more (more numerous in egenaria) smaller
ones basal to it. The two species also have very similar valve ornamentation.
They are probably sister-taxa.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species comes to light, often in abundance, in a
variety of lowland forest types (but not heath forest). It was taken mainly in
sites with a canopy outlook, in contrast with the pfeifferae Moore group
trio discussed below.
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