Stictosia flexilisana Walker
Conchylis (?)flexilisana Walker, 1863, List
Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 28: 362.
Tospitis illatalis Walker, 1864, List Specimens
lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 30: 994.
This and the
next species, flava van Eecke, are
very similar, but only flexilisana males
have an androconial patch on vein Sc of the hindwing; this is darker than the
rest of the wing. The two curved fasciae are slightly more basal in flexilisana, the medial one rather indistinct. In
flava they are of equal prominence, relatively distal, with the hint of an
antemedial/subbasal one that has black dots at one-third and two-thirds Bornean
specimens of
flava have a faintly darker discal lunule on the hindwing and have the
vesica cornutus much reduced. The male genitalia are similar, but the uncus is
shorter in flava, and also the saccus, such that the tegumen section is longer
than the vinculum rather than the other way round.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
species was found to be uncommon in lowland forest at altitudes no higher than
150m during the Mulu survey. Otherwise the only material seen is that collected
by A.R. Wallace in lowland Sarawak and one specimen from Pulo Laut.
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