Macaduma borneana sp.
The forewing is of typical shape for the genus and is coloured deep rich brown
as in many of the species. There is also a characteristic scale tuft at the
costal angle. The hindwings are darkish grey, distinguishing the species from tortricella
where they are more fawn. The male genitalia in tortricella
have the valves broadening to the apex, and the aedeagus vesica is only
finely scobinate; in the Bornean species the valves narrow towards the apex,
ending in slender spines, bifid on the right, single on the left, and the
aedeagus vesica has a distinctive lobe ringed with cornuti directed away from
its extremity.
Kuching, Semongok, 3-9.ii. 1976 (E.W. Classey), BM arctiid slide 4958.
1 as
holotype; 1 BRUNEI: 3m,
Seria, secondary and coastal veg., 3.6.1979 (Lt.
Col. M.G. Allen); 3 (slide 2681), 4 (slide 5236) SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat.
Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.), Sites 8, 11 (150m),
13 (500m), 14 and 15 (1000m), February, G. Mulu, mixed dipterocarp and lower
montane forests.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
species has been taken infrequently in the lowlands, including disturbed and
coastal habitats as well as forests, and occurs up to the lower montane zone at
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