Oxacme umbrodorsum sp.
The ground colour is pale creamy yellow, the darker brown markings somewhat as
in the Lyclene Moore group with
longitudinal streaks on the veins distal to the postmedial, which is strongly
angled one-third from the costa and sinuous posterior to this. The discal spot
is small, and there is a distinctive rectangular shade at the centre of the
dorsum. The forewing margin is not angled, but the apex is somewhat acute. The
male abdomen has coremata typical of the genus, however, and the uncus is long,
apically flexed as in asymmetrica. The
valves are elongate as in asymmetrica but
entire, without processes, sclerotised nearly throughout; the distal third is
distinctly curved, separated from the basal part by a slight constriction. The
cornutus in the aedeagus vesica is long, sinuous.
.SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park,
R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.), Site 14, February, Camp 2.5,
Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane for., BM arctiid slide 2788.
4, 1 (slide
5226) as holotype; 12 examples, general data as holotype but Sites 13, 15,
23, 24 and 25; 1 SABAH: Poring, 1800ft., E. of Mt. Kinabalu, 20-23.i. 1976 (E.W.
range. Borneo,
Peninsular Malaysia.
preference. The
species is commonest in lower montane forest, but also occurs in lowland forest,
taken on both G. Mulu and the limestone G. Api during the Mulu survey at
altitudes from 250m to 1000m.
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