Garudinia simulana Walker
simulana Walker, 1863, List
Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 28: 429.

Garudinia simulana 
(x 1.73) |

Fig.6c: Garudinia simulana Walker |
Diagnosis. This
species differs from bimaculata and the next species in having a robust,
curved distal part to the saccular process of the valve. The aedeagus has a
single hooked process apically, and, in the vesica, two patches of moderate
spines basally and two fields of coarse scobination distally.
range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. During
the Mulu survey the species was only taken in lower montane forest, at 1000m on
G. Mulu and 900m on G. Api. In both places it was frequent.
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