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“Eilema” plumbeomicans Hampson 
Prabhasa plumbeomicans Hampson, 1894, Fauna Br. India, Moths, 2: 77.
Lithosia distorta ab. destriata Draudt, 1914, Gross -Schmett. Erde, 10: 206, syn. n.

"Eilema" plumbeomicans (Burma)
(x 1.32)

"Eilema" plumbeomicans (holotype of destriata)
(x 1.32)

This and the next species are very similar, with narrow darkish grey-brown forewings with a pale yellow costal streak. Both have a postmedial band, but this is broken at the streak in plumbeomicans and continues through it in flavicosta Moore. The hindwings are dark as the forewings in flavicosta but broadly paler in the dorsal half in males and entirely pale cream in females of plumbeomicans. The genitalia are also strikingly different as illustrated, particularly the broad aedeagus and bursa in flavicosta versus the narrow ones of plumbeomicans.

Taxonomic note. The genitalia of the holotype female of destriata match those of a female of plumbeomicans (slide 5400) from Burma. The structure of the male and female genitalia, particularly the deep, triangular, apically divided valves, rather flimsy tegumen and uncus and small aedeagus vesica of the former and the very small ductus and bursa of the latter, is shared with the type species of Zadadra.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Burma, Borneo (destriata).

Habitat preference. The only specimen seen, the holotype of destriata, is from Pulo Laut.

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