chilomorpha adunca ssp. n.
chilomorpha Snellen, 1877, Tijdschr.
Ent., 20: 67.
of ssp. adunca)
(x 1.30)
13-15mm. The
species is distinguished from the type species by reduced sexual dimorphism, the
females resembling the males, rather than being paler, yellower, with more
elongate wings. Both sexes have the margin of the forewing distinctly darker on
the underside, though not as pronounced as in the next species. The male
antennae have the most basal flagellomeres slightly swollen, there being a
gradual taper from the base distally. This subspecies, matched also by the
genitalia of males from N.E. Himalaya (slide 5445) and Taiwan (slide 5444), differs
from typical chilomorpha (possibly restricted to Java, the type locality)
in having a much longer process from the base of the valve costa and a more
hooked saccular process.
Holotype .
Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site
11, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m. 385470, mixed dipt. for./river, BM arctiid
slide 4704.
9, general data as holotype but Sites 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25.
Geographical range. Sundaland,
N.E. Himalaya, Taiwan.
Habitat preference. The
species is common in all lowland forest types except heath forest, and is also
found less frequently in lower montane forest up to 1000m.
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