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Thysanoptyx Hampson

Type species: tetragona Walker, Bangladesh.

This genus was treated as distinct by Kishida (1993). The forewing facies, with a central quadrate black zone that does not reach the costa, is somewhat similar to that of some of the typical group in Teulisna. The male has the forewing venation modified, with the cell extended to about four fifths the length of the wing and with all veins except R1 and CuA2 arising from its distal extremity; the others arise from near the centre of the cell which is folded and thus narrowed over its length and overlapped by a narrow rectangle of pale scales from Rs just basal to the black mark. The female has a similarly elongate forewing cell but it is not folded, and there is an areole giving rise to the radial sector branches; this latter is probably present also in the male but obscured by the folding. The branching of the veins arising from the areole is variable, but often there are four in two bifurcate systems arising from the apex of the areole (Fig 2c).

Fig 2c: Thysanoptyx tetragona Walker

The male genitalia have the uncus weak, bifid, and the valves relatively short and broad. The aedeagus and vesica are large, the latter with several diverticula that bear fine to coarse scobination and cornuti. The saccus is expanded, quadrate or rounded.

The female genitalia of the Sundanian species have a moderate ductus with a colliculum; this expands into a spherical, somewhat thickened bursa.

The genus is entirely Oriental. In addition to the type species and the Sundanian one, there are two more mainland Asian ones: sordida Butler (N.E. Himalaya); incurvata Wileman & West (

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