nigropuncta sp. n.
Schistophleps nigropuncta
(x 1.63) |
8mm. The facies is as in the
previous few species apart from the diagnostic presence of a black dot in the
forewing cell just basal to the antemedial. Worn specimens could therefore be
confused with those of Nudaria phallustortens sp. n. (see
Nudaria phallustortens sp.n.),
where the distribution of pale orange-brown markings is different. The male
genitalia have the uncus large, squarish, setose, with small, inturned socii.
The valve apex is strongly falcate, apically more produced and acute than in nigropuncta.
The aedeagus is only moderately flexed at the apical end.
Holotype . SABAH:
Poring, 1800ft, E. of Mt. Kinabalu, 20-23.i. 1976 (E. W. Classey), BM
arctiid slide 5175.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The
species has been taken singly in the same lowland forest area as pyrifulvia.
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