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Lyclene calamaria Moore comb. n. 
Setina calamaria Moore, 1888, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1888: 392.
Setina ? punctata Elwes, 1890, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1890: 389.
Miltochrista celidopa Meyrick, 1894, Trans. ent. Soc. London, 1894: 3.
Asura calamaria mediopuncta Rothschild, 1913, Novit. zool., 20: 211.

Lyclene calamaria (x 1.67)

The ground colour is typical, if pale, for the genus, though some specimens have a greyish tone to the forewing. However, the only markings on the forewing are a black discal dot and a smaller basal one.

Taxonomic note. The male genitalia have only the saccular process strong, terminating in a sinuous spine as in peloa but more robust. The aedeagus vesica has a large distal cornutus as well as areas of light scobination. The female also has the bursa ornamented somewhat as in peloa.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya to Sundaland.

Habitat preference. The species is infrequent, possibly associated with disturbed forest, having been taken at Semongok in the lowlands of Sarawak near Kuching, in disturbed alluvial forest near G. Mulu, at Poring at 600m on the east of G. Kinabalu and at 1500m by a remnant of primary montane forest, near Kundasan golf course in the vicinity of the old Mesilau locality.

Biology. Unpublished FRIM records note the larva as a leaf defoliator of Bougainvillea (Nyctaginaceae), but defoliation of higher plants needs confirmation (see also Gardner, 1943).

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