Adites cornutata sp.

9mm possible 
10, 11mm. The
facies is as in the previous few species except the forewing discal spot is more
elongate, ovate. The male genitalia have a subbasal angle to the saccular margin
as in the bizonoides group, but the main part of the valve is apically
rounded and simple as in the tabida sequence. The distal saccular process
is tapered and apically coiled into a rams-horn structure that may bear weak,
appressed spines. The aedeagus vesica is relatively large, simple, expanding
from the base to a distal pad of about 50 moderate spines. The possible females
differ slightly from each other in the breadth of the ductus, but this is broad
in both, fluted, extending into a large, pyriform bursa that is extensively
invested with small spines.
Holotype .SARAWAK:
Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site
22, April, W. Melinau Gorge, 150m. 421578, wet kerangas, BM arctiid slide 2739.
Paratypes: 1
(slide 5285) as holotype; 1 (slide 5284)
SABAH: 5m. S. Mt. Trus Madi, 1800ft.,
18-28.viii. 1977 (M.E. Bacchus).
Possible  : (slide
5301) Dutch West BORNEO, 85 miles above Pontianak, (Simons et Meligan (Sanggan))
ex Janson, April 1909; (slide 5216) BRUNEI: U. Temburong, 1º forest, 300m,
iv. 1981 (I Gauld).
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. This
is essentially a lowland and hill dipterocarp forest species that also occurs in
heath forest.
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