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“Barsine”perpusilla Walker comb. n.  
Hypoprepia perpusilla Walker, 1862, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 6:102.
Asura clavula van Eecke, 1920, Zool. Meded. Leiden, 5:129, syn. n.

Barsine perpusilla
(x 1.38)

Diagnosis and taxonomic note.
This species is a smaller more faintly marked version of porphyrea, the fasciation slightly more clearly delineated, less obscured by dark suffusion. The male genitalia have the valves expanded centrally, but tapering, acute, curved and entire apically. The taxon clavula van Eecke is based on a female specimen of perpusilla with all of the forewing except the marginal zone more heavily marked with grey. The genitalia have a pyriform, finely scobinate bursa set asymmetrically on a moderate ductus.

Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra (van Eecke, 1930).

Habitat preference. During the Mulu survey, three specimens were taken in dipterocarp forest at 250m on the lower slopes of the limestone G. Api and one in lower montane forest at 1000m on G. Mulu. One has been taken in lowland forest at Semongok near Kuching, possibly a similar locality to that of the original material taken by A.R. Wallace, and another at 600m on G. Trus Madi in Sabah.

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