Unassigned, mostly apomorphic genera
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Hesudra divisa Moore comb. rev. 
Hesudra divisa Moore, 1878, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1878: 12.
Agylla divisa Moore; Holloway, 1976: 2.

 Hesudra divisa
(approx. lifesize)

Diagnosis. This and the next species are very similar, but the pale zone of the forewing is yellower in divisa and the tornus of the male hindwing is more produced. The forewing below is usually paler distally in divisa but a more uniform grey in the next species. This species has the comb of spines on the valve costa set on a distinct lobe.

Geographical range. Himalaya, Taiwan, Borneo.

Habitat preference. Records are from 1050m to 1790m, the species being commoner over the upper half of this range. 

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