Brachydecetia calcarea sp.n.
Brachydecetia calcarea
wings frayed. The facies is more mottled, less reddish than in rufescens,
but with similar oblique dark fasciae. That on the hindwing is present also
on the underside whereas in rufescens this is immaculate. Dark postmedial
dots are present in the hindwing in a slightly paler blotch, but not in such a
long row as in rufescens. However, there are similar dots submarginally
near the forewing apex and within a rounded pale blotch at the centre of the
triangular area distad to the oblique postmedial. The origin of hindwing vein
CuA2 is displaced basad in the male. The male genitalia are characterised by
having the uncus divided into two prongs, a broad, rather sinuous valve with a
spur on the ventral marginal and a very slender dorsal process. The aedeagus is
long, slender, centrally flexed: in the type species it is short, robust,
straight. The female genitalia are as in the generic description.
Holotype . SARAWAK:
Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site
23, April, Camp 2.5, W. Melinau Gorge, 250m. 430558, FEG 4, limestone
forest, BM uraniid slide 226.
Paratype As holotype but slide 219.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra (ZSM).
Habitat preference. Both specimens were taken in dipterocarp forest at
250m on limestone.
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