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Leucoblepsis fenestraria Moore
Drepanodes fenestraria Moore, 1867, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1867: 618.
Leucoblepsis ostia Swinhoe, 1903, Fasc. Malay Zool., 1: 59, syn. n.
Leucoblepsis fenestraria Moore; Holloway, 1976: 94.

Leucoblepsis fenestraria

This species is larger than the other three, with the forewings simply falcate rather than bifalcate. The facies is basically white with blackish grey markings.

Taxonomic notes. The male genitalia of the two taxa brought into synonymy share features such as a trilobed uncus with lateral socii, and an enlarged, heavily scobinate gnathus. However, these are differently shaped in each, indicating subspecific status. The status of the Bornean population will become clearer when males are available.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Taiwan; Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo (ssp. ostia).

Habitat preference. Only two Bornean specimens have been seen, a worn female from 1620m on G. Kinabalu and a male from forest at 950m near the Sayap Station in Kinabalu Park (in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt).

Biology. Wang (1995) illustrated the larva in Taiwan. It is a crinkled black with a dull, nut-brown head and a broad white belt over two segments centrally, where it is narrower than at each end.

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