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Streptoperas Hampson

Type species: luteata Hampson

The forewings in this genus are narrowly falcate at the apex, the hindwings strongly angled where vein CuA1 meets the margin. There are double postmedials on both wings, that of the forewing acutely angled subcostally, that of the hindwing straight. On the underside of the forewing there is a white zone over the posterior half of the wing between the postmedial and subbasal fasciae. The male antennae are lamellate.

In the male abdomen the eighth segment is unmodified. The uncus is narrowly bifid as in Gogana and other genera in the palm-feeding sequence, and the saccus is narrow, digitate as in some of these genera. The valve is triangular, with a subbasal spur or flap on the costa.

In the female genitalia (luteata) the ovipositor lobes are simple. The ductus is very long and slender, extending with the corpus bursae to about half as long again as the abdomen. The corpus bursae is large, spherical, finely scobinate, with a slight, umbonate signum.

Both included species occur in Borneo. The biology of one is described in S. crenelata Swinhoe.

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