Phalacra columba sp. n.
17mm. The wings are uniformly warm pale
grey, with shape and
fasciation typical of the genus, though the fasciae are faint. There is a
distinctive whitish, rather translucent patch subdorsally, centrally on the
forewing, though this is sometimes indistinct. The male abdomen differs from
that of the type species in having a pair of coremata between segments 7 and 8,
the latter having long apodemes. The valves also bear distal coremata that arise
from that inner surface, resembling Drapetodes species in this. The
valves also have digitate spurs in the transtillar area, somewhat as in Scytalopteryx
elongata Snellen. The placement of this species in Phalacra is
therefore tentative.
Holotype . PERAK, F.M.S., Taiping (E. Seimund) BM drepanid slide 2124.
Paratype: MALAY PENIN.: Selangor, Bukit Kutu, at light, 3500ft April 13th
1926 (H.M. Pendlebury).
Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra.
Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen was taken in alluvial
forest at 100m near the western end of the Melinau Gorge in the G. Mulu National
Park, Sarawak.
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