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Tridrepana Swinhoe

Type species: albonotata Moore.

Synonym: Konjikia Matsumura (type species crocea Leech, China, Japan).

The genus was revised by Watson (1957). It consists mostly of bright yellow species of typical 'hooktip' form and pattern, the yellow marked with rich brown patches and fasciation, with the discal spots often centred white. The male antennae are strongly bipectinate, those of the female more narrowly so. The male frenulum is not usually clavate apically, though strongly so in a few species.

In the male abdomen, the eighth tergite forms a dorsal shield over the rest of the genitalia, usually squarish, with apodemes usually well developed. The saccus is well developed, the valves simple. The uncus is bifid, each bifurcation often further divided or complexly shaped. The aedeagus usually has two distal cornuti and a spinose vesica.

In the female the ovipositor lobes are divided into two or are even more complex. The ductus is moderately long, the bursa spherical, immaculate.

The genus consists of well over 30 species distributed through the Indo-Australian tropics but most diverse in the Oriental Region. Watson divided it into seven species groups, five of which are represented in Borneo, and two of which include allopatric arrays of species that extend from India to New Guinea or the Solomons. Watson (1968) indicated the genus was closely related to the Palaearctic Drepana Schrank.

Sugi (1987) and Wang (1995) illustrated the larvae of two Japanese and a Taiwanese species. All are a variegated rich rufous brown with a disruptive pattern of oblique bars laterally. Most segments have a pair of subdorsal tubercles. Those on T2, T3 and T8 are elongate, directed forward over the body, apically sinuous and sometimes even slightly coiled.

The host-plants were in Quercus (Fagaceae; see also Teramoto (1993, 1996)), but in tropical Asia records are from Sapindaceae (See Tridrepana fulvata Snellen).

Pupation is on a silken foundation spun in a partly folded leaf tip. The pupa is mostly exposed and has a pair of distinctive horn-like structures anteriorly (illustration in Wang (1995)).

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