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Callidrepana Felder

Type species: saucia Felder.

Synonyms: Damna Walker (type species gelidata Walker); Ausaris Walker (type species scintillata Walker = saucia Felder); Ticilia Walker (type species argentilinea Walker = gelidata Walker); Drepanulides Motschoulsky (type species palleolus Motschoulsky, Japan, a subspecies of patrana Moore); Drepanulina Gaede (type species argyrobapta Gaede, Cameroon, replacement name for Drepanula Gaede, praeocc.).

This is a large genus of typical 'hooktips' characterised by the presence of areas of lustrous scales on the upperside of the wings (Watson, 1968). There are usually prominent dark, straight postmedial fasciae on both wings, and the forewing discal spot is often a large patch of the same colour, or indicated faintly in outline. The male antennae are bipectinate.

The male abdomen has the eighth tergite broadly bilobed and the eighth sternite as broad as the tergite but longitudinally narrow, a shallow 'H' in shape. The genital capsule is rounded, the valves broad, with complex interior processes. There are widely spaced digitate socii but no uncus. The male genitalia indicate three groupings of species occur, each with three representatives in Borneo. The first three listed below (subgenus Damna) have the valves reduced to small lobes, and the socii are bifid, broad. The second three (subgenus Callidrepana) have the valves bifid, and the socii are narrow, sinuous, apically acute: the genital capsule is somewhat square. The last three (possibly most closely related to the African subgenus Drepanulina) have long, basally setose, narrow valves: the tegumen is broad and the socii straight, also rather digitate.

The female genitalia have the ovipositor lobes short, somewhat bilobed, the dorsal lobes on each side apically fused. The ductus is long. The bursa often contains a narrow, lenticular, ridge-like signum running longitudinally, or a small umbonate patch, though in many species it is narrow and flimsy.

The genus ranges throughout the Indo-Australian tropics and subtropics, attenuating eastwards in diversity to the Solomons. There are three African species (Watson, 1968). Nine species occur in Borneo.

Sugi (1987) illustrated the larvae of two Japanese species in the typical species group. They are a glistening, mottled, rufous brown and black, the segments rather lumpy, the thoracic ones expanded laterally. The anal process is long, slender, flexed and somewhat swollen at two-thirds.

Host-plants recorded (Sugi, and see below) are Rhus, Mangifera (Anacardiaceae) and Bruguiera (Rhizophoraceae). Pupation is on a loose silk carpet in a partially folded leaf tip or wedge as in Tridrepana.

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