vanbraeckeli Gaede
Callidrepana vanbraeckeli Gaede,
1934, Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg., 10(26): 3.
Callidrepana vanbraeckeli Gaede;
Watson, 1961: 328.


Diagnosis. Both sexes are uniform rich brown, the female paler, larger. The discal
spot is diagnostically narrow, faint, oblique. The male, but not the female, has
the brown distal to the postmedials distinctly darker than that basal to them.
Taxonomic notes. Sundanian material differs from typical Sulawesi material slightly in
features of the male abdomen (longer apodemes to the eighth sternite) and
genitalia (narrower saccus, longer socii).
Geographical range. Sulawesi, Borneo, Sumatra (ZSM), Peninsular Malaysia.
Habitat preference. The species is infrequent and found in both lowland
and montane forest: kerangas at 150m (W. Melinau Gorge); lower montane forest
(900m in G. Api, 1000m on G. Mulu); upper montane forest (1465-1618m on Bukit
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