Ditrigona wilkinsoni sp. n.
9-10mm. The facies is similar to that of paludicola but slightly
less emphatic. The differences are in the male abdomen: the bands of
sclerotisation in the eighth segment are weaker; the uncus lobes are relatively
broader; the valves are distally less curved and basally less rugose; the saccus
is relatively shorter.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.) Site 13, February, Camp 2, Mulu, 500m. 401464, mixed dipt. for., BM
drepanid slide 2108.
Paratypes: l as
holotype; 1 general data as holotype but Site 15,
February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m, 413461, lower montane forest, BM
drepanid slide 2107.
Geographical range. Borneo, ?Peninsular Malaysia (FRIM colln).
Habitat preference. The specimens were all taken on the transect of G.
Mulu, at 500m in hill dipterocarp forest and at 1000m in lower montane forest.
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