Dysaethria rhagavolita sp. n.
Dysaethria rhagavolita
10mm, 9-11mm. In facies this species resembles perpolita, and is
smaller and less strongly marked on the forewing than walkeri and allies.
However, in male genitalia it is close to D. rhagavata Walker
comb. n. (Sri Lanka). The facies of rhagavata is more as in oriocharis
West (See Dysaethria oriocharis West comb.
n.), but heavily suffused with brownish grey striae,
particularly on the forewing, and with more obscure fasciation and hindwing
markings. The male genitalia of rhagavata (slide 363) share features such
as a slender, acute central process to the uncus, a distal pair of lateral
processes that are small, narrow, rectangular, and a knob-like ventral pair. The
valves are small relative to those of the conflictaria group or oriocharis
and allies, with a rather 'gnathus-like' transtillar bridge. In the new
species the apical process of the uncus is longer, the distal lateral processes
narrower, the ventral knob-like pair deeper. The aedeagus is narrower and gently
curved rather than straight. A specimen from the N.E. Himalaya (Khasis; slide
345) is probably also rhagavolita.
Holotype SARAWAK:
Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site
3, January, Camp 4, Mulu, 1780m. 453463, [upper montane forest], BM uraniid
slide 490.
Paratypes: 4 general data as holotype but sites 16 (2; 70m, alluvial forest, Long
Pala), 20 (slide 388) and 22 (150m, W. Melinau Gorge, kerangas); 1 S.E. BORNEO:
Samarinda, x.1938 (M.E. Walsh).
Geographical range. Borneo, ?N.E. Himalaya.
Habitat preference. The holotype male is from upper montane forest, but
the paratype females are all from lowland localities.
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