grammearia Geyer
Acropteris grammearia Geyer,
1832, Zütrage Samml. exot. Schmett., 4: 36.
Micronia caseata Guenée, 1857, Hist. nat. Insectes, Spec.
Gen. Lep., 10: 27.
Diagnosis. This species and rectinervata Guenée are virtually identical in
the female. Males can be distinguished by the forewing venation: this is normal
in rectinervata but with distinct curvature on all veins from M2 back,
and CuA1 and CuA2 running closely parallel to two thirds from their common
stalk, whence they diverge. The common stalk of R5 and M1 is also shorter. This
atypical venation is clearly seen in the illustration for the original
description. No major differences could be located in the genitalia of either
sex, though the corematous apex of the valve in rectinervata may be
somewhat narrower.
Taxonomic notes. Fletcher (1979) indicates grammearia is a synonym of striataria
Clerck, but striataria is a distinct, more lightly fasciated
Australasian tropical species.
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Burma, Java, Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species appears to be rare in Borneo, the only
specimen taken in recent surveys being from kerangas forest on a river terrace
near the western end of the Melinau Gorge in Sarawak.
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