malayanus Guérin-Méneville
Hazis malayanus Guérin-Méneville, 1843, Delessertes
Souv. Voy. I’Inde, 2: 89.
Euschema recessa Walker, 1861, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool),
6: 95.
Euschema proba Butler, 1880, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5),
Diagnosis. This is a paler, duller blue species than the next two, with a more
broken, less regularly trapezoid antemedial marking to the forewing. The
postmedials are more broken, and the marginal spots more elongate, separated by
ground colour along the veins.
Taxonomic note. D. azurea Bastelberger, described from Borneo, appears (colour
slide of type examined) to be a synonym of malayanus.
Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Palawan. The
syntype of proba Butler is labelled as from Darjiling, but no other
Himalayan material has been seen.
Habitat preference. Most recent material was taken at light in various
lowland forest types.
Biology. The host-plant is Carallia (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia
records). In Borneo the Carallia species is C. brachiata (Dr Chey
Vun Khen pers. comm.)
The adult moth flies at night.
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