View Image Gallery of Tribe Eumeleini

The Eumeleini are monobasic, containing the single genus Eumelea Duncan. This has a number of unusual features that set it apart from the Desmobathrini and from most other geometrids.

Despite the yellow colouration of a number of the taxa, the representative chosen by Cook et al. (1994) did not yield high concentrations of the green geoverdin pigment, contrasting with the yellow Celerena of the Desmobathrini that did.

The male antennae are very long, extending five-sixths of the length of the forewing, filiform, with very short setae at the apex of each segment. The legs are similarly elongate (Sommerer, 1995).

The male abdomen bears no setae or modifications to any of the segments. The ansa of the tympanum is long, slender, apically hammer-headed and with a central bulge (Fig 86).

The genitalia show two striking features: the uncus is cruciform (Sommerer, 1995); the tegumen is narrow, produced acutely well ventral to the point of articulation with the vinculum, and with a unique transverse bar of thickening dividing the more normal (relative to Desmobathrini) lateral loops. The condition is seen particularly clearly in Figs 82 and 85. The tegumen is strongly looped to accommodate the well developed coremata. The aedeagus is a narrow tube, the vesica similarly narrow, with a pair of longitudinal zones of scobination laterally at its base, referred to as 'lyre-like' by Sommerer (1995).

The female genitalia have an oblong corpus bursae that lacks a signum; the ostium is variably sclerotised (Sommerer, 1995).

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