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Tanaorhinus Butler

Type species: confuciaria Walker, China, a subspecies of reciprocata Walker.

Species in the genus are large with wings that are darkish, rather bluish green above, the hindwing yellow with dull red or mauve suffusion and banding below. The forewings are apically strongly falcate. The hindwing tornus is also slightly falcate. The green pigment is very labile, readily fading to yellow in contact with killing agents. The fasciation of the wings above is paler than the ground colour. The male antennae are narrowly bipectinate to two thirds.

In the male abdomen there is a pair of setal patches on the third sternite. In the genitalia the uncus is weak, the socii strongly developed like the horns of cattle. The gnathus is strong, albeit slender. The valves are relatively simple, with a definite harpe from the sacculus. Coremata are present. The vinculum is somewhat cruciform.

The female genitalia in the T. rafflesii Moore group have the ovipositor lobes of a more general geometrid type, but the signum is of the typically geometrine bicornute form, arranged longitudinally in a very elongate bursa (Fig 162). The ductus is short. In the type species the bursa is more pyriform, the signum transversely oriented.

The genitalia of both sexes are similar to those of Geometra Linnaeus.

The type species has been reared from Quercus (Fagaceae) in Japan (Nakajima & Sato, 1979),

The genus is most diverse in the Oriental tropics, but the rafflesii group extends eastwards to New Guinea. Yazaki (1995) recently described two new montane species from the Philippines and Sulawesi.

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