submonstrans Walker
Geometra submonstrans
Walkert, 1861, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br Mus. 22: 526.
Achlora circumflexaria
Snellen, 1880, Midden Sumatra (Veth), 4(8): 53.
Ornithospila submonstrans moluccensis
Prout, 1916, Novit. zool. 23: 202.
Ornithospila submonstrans
Walker; Holloway, 1976: 61.
submonstrans |
Diagnosis. See key.
Taxonomic notes. Subspecies moluccensis has several peg-like setae on the
sclerotised plate distal to the valve sacculus. The aedeagus has a sclerotised
band bearing a series of four blunt spines that increase in size along the row,
rather than the single bent spine of typical submonstrans. The taxon
might be better treated as a distinct species.
Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines; Moluccas (Obi,
Bacan: ssp. moluccensis).
Habitat preference. This species is also frequent from the lowlands to almost 2000m.
Biology. O. submonstrans
has been recorded as a defoliator of Shorea parvifolia (Dipterocarpaceae)
in Malaysia (FRIM records).
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