megaspilaria Guenée
Phorodesma megaspilaria Guenée,
1857, Hist. nat. Insectes, Spec. gen. Lep.9: 371.
Comibaena uniplaga Walker,
1861, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus 22: 578.
megaspilaria |
Diagnosis. This and the next species are similar, but megaspilaria has
a less angled forewing margin, no greyish patch at the costal angle of the
hindwing and a more punctate hindwing discal mark.
Taxonomic notes. The species has very similar male genitalia to S. intermediata Prout
from Sulawesi and is probably the sister-species. The saccular process in intermediata
is straight and squarely spatulate at the apex.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. S. megaspilaria is common in lowland forest but is also
encountered infrequently in the lower montane zone.
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