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Chloristola Gen. n.

Type species: setosa sp. n.

The two species in this genus have facies features as in some Hemistola and a large process from the eighth sternite that could be homologous with that in Chlorissa described above. The external appearance resembles that of the
Himalayan Hemistola antigene Prout with an intense medium blue-green ground colour, black punctate discal spots and a red marginal border that contains white in the spaces. This white component is broadened into a spot subtornally on each wing in Chloristola but not in Hemistola. The male antennae are moderately and neatly bipectinate as in Hemistola, those of the female also.

The diagnostic features are in the male abdomen. There is a massive, setose, process arising from the centre of the distal margin of the eighth sternite which is otherwise reduced to a rather heart-shaped sclerite. The uncus is deeply bifid, unusually in the Hemitheiti, though the socii are typical. The valves bear coremata; the sacculus is somewhat expanded, uniformly invested with short setae set on small papillae. The saccus is rather elongate. The aedeagus vesica contains an elongate cluster of short cornuti.

The female genitalia have the ostium band, pocket-like of crumpled appearance, as is the ductus that is relatively broad, and broadens out again into the bursa that is rather spindle-shaped and lacks a signum. The ovipositor lobes are of the modifed form.

Apart from the type species described below, the genus contains a second, undescribed species from Sulawesi (slide 17339).

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