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Comostola Meyrick

Type species: perlepidaria Walker = laesaria Walker.

Synonyms. Chloeres Turner (type species citrolimbaria Guenée, Australia) syn. n.; Leucodesmia Warren (type species dispersa Walker, Sri Lanka) praeocc.; Pyrrhorachis Warren (type species cornuta Warren) syn. n.

This genus is enlarged to embrace a number of externally very different groups of species, united by a number of unusual morphological features of the male and female abdomen: in the male, a bifid uncus, an expanded, semicircular area subbasally on the valve costa, and a scrolling of the saccular region of the valve that usually contains a sclerotised harpe or similar structure; in the female, the presence of a tongue-like structure posterior to the ostium in many, but not all, species (absent in Comostola sensu stricto
- see below). The male eighth sternite distal margin is often bilobed, sometimes slightly sclerotised. The bases of the valve sacculi are united by a small pouch. Coremata are present but small in all except the species with red-beaded forewing margins where they are either absent (cedilla Prout group) or enlarged (Pyrrhorachis group). Setae are present on the male third sternite in a few species, but mostly are lacking. The signum, when present, is of the bicornute type.

Typical Comostola are pale blue-green or green with red-orange discal spots and punctate yellow, red or orange postmedials. The distal margins of the wings in many species are lined finely with red, broken at the veins, the fringes being paler. This group has the discal cross-veins of the forewing cell characteristically stepped towards the margin, proceeding towards the dorsum.

A subsection that includes C. cedilla Prout and C. chlorargyra Walker is a bright or leaf green with silver-white and red beading to the distal margins of both wings and the forewing costa, with dentate extensions that constrict the forewing green obliquely at its centre. These extensions are at the centre of the costa and subtornally on the dorsum. In both this and the typical group ornamentation of the male valves can be asymmetric.

The Pyrrhorachis section includes species with pale blue-green or bright green wings that are unmarked except for red marginal beading similar to that of the previous group. The strong coremata in this group have already been mentioned, but also the socii are significantly longer than the uncus.

Typical Chloeres have the genitalia features mentioned in the first paragraph.

Other species currently assigned to Chloeres lack some of these features but are best transferred with the type species until they can be investigated further. See also comments on C. dyakaria Walker and relatives below.

The male antennae vary within Comostola, but generally taper away at about half way along the shaft. The pectinations are short, relatively widely spaced. In the Pyrrhorachis group the more basal pectinations are longer, somewhat adpressed.

The larvae, as illustrated by Sugi (1987), are relatively robust, broadening somewhat towards the posterior, with the vortex of the head only weakly biconical if at all. They have been recorded from a wide range of plant families and show a tendency towards flower- or bud-feeding.

The genus is diverse and widespread in the Indo-Australian tropics and subtropics.

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