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Sarcinodes Guenée

Type species: carnearia Guenée, India.

Synonyms: Auxima Walker (type species restitutaria Walker, N. India); Mergana Walker (type species aequilinearia Walker, Bangladesh).

There are several recent studies of parts of this genus (Yazaki, 1988a; Inoue, 1992; Sommerer, 1995) but no complete revision that includes New Guinea taxa. A number of new species have been described in these papers.

Species in the genus are large with pinkish, mauvish or brownish grey body and wings, the wings traversed by between one and three oblique, straight fasciae. The forewing apex is acute, slightly falcate. The male antennae are unipectinate, those of the female are filiform (typical) or unipectinate (Auxima). The hindwing venation is unusual relative to that of the Australian genera (Sommerer, 1995) in that M2 is connate or stalked with M1, a feature also seen in Thaumatographe.

The male genitalia are robust, the valves often asymmetrically ornamented with a variety of lobes, flaps and spines. The gnathus is strong in easterly species but reduced in some of the more westerly ones. There are well-developed
coremata at the base of the valves, and the vinculum is slightly looped on each side to accommodate them: coremata are not present in Thaumatographe and Australian genera. The aedeagus is robust, tubular, sometimes with an apical hook or spur, the vesica is narrow, also tubular, with a lateral lobe that bears a cornutus or spines. The eighth sternite is slightly modified: sclerotised and often broadly excavate or cleft distally.

The female genitalia have the ostium ringed with sclerotisation. The ductus is long, the bursa pyriform with the signum, when present, an oblong patch of sclerotisation with a central, longitudinal ridge.

The larva of the Japanese S. mongaku Marumo (Sugi, 1993; Sommerer, 1995) is green with a brown head and yellowish brown spiracles.

The thoracic legs are pale orange brown, and there is a pair of prolegs as segment A5.

The host-plant is Helicia (Proteaceae).

Sommerer (1995) recognised two sections in the genus, based on the differences in the characters of the female antennae mentioned above: typical (filiform); Auxima (unipectinate). It is unclear which of these is the derived state (in Parepisparis those of the female are more narrowly bipectinate than those of the male (Scoble & Edwards, 1989)). Under Sommerer's system the first three species listed below are typical, the second three belonging to section Auxima.

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