concolora sp. n.
1.30) |
10-11mm. Externally the
species is very similar to pulverea, but is distinguished by an
androconial patch concolorous with the wing and by the male genitalia. The
saccular process of the valve is less strongly hooked, and the saccus is bulbous
rather than triangular. The aedeagus vesica has two, rather than three, spiny
plates, and these are more finely serrate. The third plate in pulverea is
very large, elongate, densely and coarsely spined.
Holotype .
Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site
20, Mar.-Apr., W. Melinau Gorge, 150m. 422577, FEG3, kerangas, BM arctiid slide
Paratypes (all
general data as holotype): 5 as
holotype; 1 Site 8, February, Camp 1,
150m, 385470, mixed dipt. for.; 1 (slide 5184) BRUNEI: 3m,
Seria, secondary and
coastal veg., 30.12.78 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen).
Geographical range.
Borneo, N.E Himalaya (slide 5443).
Habitat preference.
This species is, like pulverea, rarer than marginata but also mostly
restricted to lowland forests, taken particularly in wet heath (kerangas)
forests during the Mulu survey. One specimen was taken in disturbed
coastal forest.
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