Cossus cruciatus sp. n.
The forewings are pale grey, crossed with blackish striae, heavier ones being
transverse in the medial zone, slightly concave basad, and in the form of a
cross in the distal third of the wing.
The male genitalia have the valve slightly constricted centrally and
there is a triangular flange directed ventrally from subcostally just basal to
the constriction.
SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site
16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m, 324450, alluvial forest, MV on batu, BM cossid
slide 82.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The only specimen was taken in alluvial forest.
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