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Cossus chloratus Swinhoe  
Cossus chloratus
Swinhoe, 1892, Cat. Eastern Austr. Lepid. Het. Colln. Oxf. Mus. 2: 284.
Cossus divisus Rothschild, 1912, in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 2: 451, syn.n.

Cossus chloratus

The species is very similar to javanus, but somewhat smaller with less oblique forewing margins. The slightly heavier postmedial stria of the male forewing meets the margin subtornally rather than fading away, and it has a more pronounced paler band distad. The genitalia have small processes on the valve costa that are lacking in javanus. The female resembles that of javana but the margin of the dark basal zone is straight and continues to the tornus.

Taxonomic notes. The holotype of chloratus matches with Roepke's concept of C. subfuscus Snellen. His 'chloratus' is the next species. C. celebensis Roepke has male genitalia similar to those of chloratus and may only be a subspecies thereof. C. divisus Rothschild is based on a female of chloratus.

Geographical range. Sundaland, Philippines; ?Sulawesi.

Habitat preference. The species is frequent in lowland rainforest but a single specimen has been taken at 1670m on Bukit Pagon, Brunei.

Biology. The species bores in the bark of Parkia (Leguminosae) in Java (Roepke 1957, ex Kalshoven).

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