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Zeuzera caudata Joicey & Talbot
    Zeuzera caudata
Joicey & .Talbot, 1916, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8),17: 88.
Zeuzera rhabdota Jordan, 1932, Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg. 4(6), hors serie: 24.
Zeuzera caudata rhabdota Jordan; Roepke, 1955: 283; Holloway, 1976: 88;Barlow, 1982: 43.

Zeuzera caudata rhabdota

The thoracic markings are linear rather than punctate. The forewing black striae are broader than the ground colour separating them. The hindwings have the margin most strongly excavate, with a few relatively large black spots in the discal zone.

Taxonomic notes. Sundanian specimens are referable to ssp. rhabdota Jordan where the thorax has black stripes rather than the black dots of the typical race.

Geographical range. Japan, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo; Buru, New Guinea, Solomons.

Habitat preference. During the Mulu survey a few specimens were taken in both lowland dipterocarp forest and lower montane forest on limestone.

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