intermixtaria Swinhoe comb. n.
Anisodes intermixtaria Swinhoe,
1892, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1892: 8.
Anisodes intermixtaria collustrata Prout,
1938, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 12:171.
Diagnosis. The species resembles a pale version of the more punctate forms of C.
carsoni sp. n., but with the fasciae more clearly defined, the medial an
irregular zig-zag. The ground colour has a slight ochreous tinge.
Geographical range. Himalaya, Taiwan; Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo (ssp. collustrata).
Habitat preference. Only two Bornean specimens have been located, both
from G. Kinabalu. One is without altitude data (Waterstradt material) and the
other is from 1930m.
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