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Syncosmia Warren Gen. rev.

Type species: patinata Warren, N.E. Himalaya.

This genus is resurrected to include a rather heterogeneous group of species that nevertheless appear to be allied through some features of the male and female abdomen.

The forewing facies usually consists of fine, sometimes intense fasciation on a bone-white or yellowish white ground. The hindwings are a similar colour, those of the male less heavily fasciated and, in most species, with the dorsum rolled up over the upper surface of the wing to cover a narrow zone of modified scales. The male antennae are filiform. The labial palps are between one and two times the length of the head.

The male abdomen has the octavals separate, though sometimes united basally by transverse thickening and having basal apodemes. There are no distinct coremata, but the membrane between the saccus and the eighth sternite forms a pouch and bears fields of setae. The valves are generally tongue-like. The aedeagus has opposing groups of tooth-like spines just inside the apex (something similar is seen in Ardonis Moore and Pasiphila testulata Guenée).

The female genitalia have the bursa divided into a basal tubular section, usually sclerotised, sometimes with spines, and a distal bulbous section, membranous, rarely spined (except in the type species). There is sometimes a weak distal appendix bursa to the latter (S. xanthocomes Prout and relatives).

As well as the type species and those from Borneo and their relatives discussed below, the genus probably also includes S. trichophora Hampson comb. n. (S. India, Sri Lanka).

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