polyclealis Walker comb. n.
Botys polyclealis Walker, 1859, List Specimens lepid.
Insects Colln Br. Mus., 19: 998.
Diagnosis. The wings are a uniform medium grey. The forewings have a black, angular
postmedial. This is more obscure in the hindwings, but these have three white
spots in a triangular arrangement in the dorsal half of the marginal area, two
of which are adjacent to the postmedial.
Taxonomic notes. The taxa albicetrata Prout (Sulawesi) and hyperocha Prout
(Australia), originally described as subspecies of polyclealis, have
distinct genitalia and merit specific status, stat. n. The latter may be
conspecific with G. gonias Turner comb. n., but the holotype
female and a paratype of hyperocha dissected were not conspecific. There
may also be two species of this facies type in Seram.
Geographical range. Sri Lanka, Borneo, Java, Bali.
Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen seen is a female from
Poring, at about 600m on the eastern slopes of G. Kinabalu. Prout (1932c)
recorded it from about 1600m on G. Kinabalu.
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